20 Content Marketing Every Marketer Needs To Know

Photographer: Campaign Creators | Source: Unsplash

As competition continues to grow in marketing, businesses tend to invest more in building great content marketing programs. In this article, we’ll be presenting important content marketing tips to help you stand out from the competition.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a vital marketing method centered on building relevant and consistent content. This type of marketing was made to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and boost conversions.

Why Is Content Marketing Important?

Content does more than just giving information and filling out your web page. It’s important to know that it builds trust among your current & your soon prospects. Moreover, it helps you create build brand awareness and drives traffic to your website. Content marketing is what creates a strong bond between you and your clients as you educate them. So it is really an integral part of your marketing solutions.

Content Marketing Strategies You Need To Know

Your Content Tips For Higher Conversion Rate

1. Nurture and gently guide your customers through their entire buyer journey. Not all customers are rushing. Oftentimes, they want to see the value of your product first before they will decide to buy or not.

2. Expand the reach of your content marketing. Boost your content when you take them to social media. Take note that if there is a perfect avenue to get more leads, that’s social media.

3. Increase your contents’ relevance and usefulness. By making sure that your content is useful to your audience and that it will solve their issues, they will trust you. Thus leading them to become loyal, buying customers.

4. Know your user's intent. To create valuable and relevant content, understanding the intention of your audience is important. This will lead you to other great strategies that will boost your content marketing growth.

5. Be your own buyer’s persona. Knowing your buyer’s persona before you start content planning is a great way to save your time. Doing so gives you a better understanding of who your audience is and what they really need.

6. Avoid verbose headlines. Always go with short, simple, specific titles. Using verbose headlines would lead to your audience's exit. They will think your headline is a click-bait, hence losing their trust.

Your Content Marketing Tips For Higher SEO Ranking

SEO Image

7. Organizing your content. For you to ace your content marketing, you need to know what content to create and when to use them. organizing your content will help not to overwhelm your audience by just seeing what they want and need to see.

8. Don’t write short posts just to get the job done. Long-form content of 1,000+ words usually helps improve your ranking. Moreover, it can increase traffic and value to your reader. So one thing to keep in mind, do not write short posts just to get over your task. Yes, you might be able to create tons of content, but they won’t do too much to help you rank.

9. Create your keywords list. So you already know and understand the intent of your users. The best thing to do next is to list the keywords relevant to their needs and intent. This will lead to more clicks as they are going to see the words and queries related to what they are looking for.

10. Stop over-optimizing your content. Yes, SEO is important. But too much of this good thing can make your content marketing go downhill. Over-optimization means creating too many SEO improvements that it begins to ruin the website’s ability to rank.

11. Post blogs consistently. Blogging consistently gives you a positive ranking. Moreover, it lets you have a higher rate of conversion than just blogging once a month. According to Hubspot, 82% of marketers who blogged daily acquire at least one client than 57% of marketers who only blog monthly.

Content Marketing Tips You Should Start Doing


12. Leverage content marketing through emails. Never skip any opportunities to add email to your content marketing. Email is a great way to reach a wider targeted audience. Therefore, an increase in conversion.

13. Do guest posts. One way to leverage your content is to blog on popular sites and do backlinks. This builds greater traffic and brand awareness.

14. Discover the power of content repurposing. Content repurposing saves your time and effort. By repurposing, your new users may see something fresh. Additionally, your repurposed content can be used if you want to post in other channels. your old content can be turned into a Facebook post, a tweet, or even a video for Youtube.

15. Input social sharing buttons next to your content. Doing so can give you a greater reach. It will be easier for you to share your content across channels. It will also be easier for your audience to share your content on their own channels. That’s right! if your users love what they’ve got from your content, they will share and recommend it. So you have to make the process easier for them.

16. Create a strategy for content promotion. Creating a checklist and a schedule for your content is a perfect strategy in order not to miss anything. Knowing when to post and where to post your content will make your job easier. Using scheduling platforms also saves your time, money, and energy. Using one will save you from paying someone to look after your contents and post them manually if you can’t do it yourself.

Content Marketing Tips For You To Maintain Your Ranking

Unsplash|Stephen Phillips

17. Pay attention to your analytics. It is important to keep track of your content analytics. It gives you a clearer view of the popular topics and the content types that are driving traffic to your site. Thus letting you decide which content to cut and which one to prioritize. It will also give you ideas for the future content you are going to make.

18. Keep the focus on your audience. No matter where you’re going to post or what content you are going to publish, always keep the focus on your audience. Always remember that you are doing the content to help your audience and just because you want to create something great. It is not about you, it’s about your audience's needs. Let’s say you have created a great blog but it is not targeting the issues your audience is facing, it will contribute much to your growth.

19. Personalize your content. No matter what you are writing, always include personalization in it. Talking and writing as if you were having a conversation with a friend, builds a stronger bond between you and your audience. Furthermore, your audience will more likely to engage if they feel the connection from your content.

20. Be creative but do not force yourself. No matter how much time or effort you exert, you cannot force good writing. So it is better to try different conditions, influences, and even timing for writing. Remember that every writer is different. There are some who can write even in a noisy environment. There are some who want to be alone when writing. Whatever it is, you shouldn’t force your creativity. Writing is easy, but putting value to what you are writing is another story.


These helpful tips can give you a higher SEO rank, drives traffic to your site and helps you attain a wider reach. Thus, sending your content marketing into hyperspace.

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Joon K Lee
Articles: 37

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